Saturday, September 26, 2009

Meet ______________

Meet ________...ok so I don't have a name for my manikin yet but I will keep you posted...
We continue to work from the model this week. We also got our manikins and started to talk about the muscles. We are starting with the back muscles. I really like this part of class, its really cool to see how individual muscles are on the body and how they build up on each other.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Drawing has been going well, getting into the feel for things and feeling more comfortable with it all. We received shells that we will be working with for the semester and had an assignment to do a contour drawing of our shell. I thought this assignment was rather difficult, we only talked about contour drawing once in class and I didn't feel very comfortable with it but I guess I really just need practice. I struggled the most with how much information I should really include, I have a shell with lots of ripples and didn't know if I should include them or some of them or just concentrate on the form. Being that we haven't done many contour drawings I stuck with just the form of my shell and our critique discussion really helped in understanding contour drawing better. (picture to be posted soon)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

First Week

I will admit I was nervous the first week to draw from a nude model, I thought it was going to be rather awkward and uncomfortable, but to my great surprise it really wasn't for the most part. I find that if the model is comfortable enough with posing it makes it that much better for everyone else and a much better atmosphere.
It has been nice to get back into drawing and have a setting where I can kinda just zone out and concentrate on one thing. It has been over two years I think since I have had a drawing class that we draw from a still life. It has been a little difficult getting back into really observing things and spending more time looking at the model rather than the paper, but I think I will adjust rather quickly.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Life Drawing Fall 2009

I am very excited to be taking life drawing this semester! I have an odd combination with a Graphic Design major and a Coaching minor and this is one class that really ties the two a way.
Being in dance and track, muscles and the body form have always been important and an interest of mine. I have taken Human Bio, Kinesiology, and a couple other classes that cover the use of the muscles, where they are and how they function, but it was always difficult to really visualize where they are in relevance to everything else and how they really form the body. Being more of a visual person I hope to build a better awareness of these things through this class.
I know that I will be challenged in this class because I tend to be much more value oriented in my drawings and in my past drawing classes as well as concentrating on specific details for compositions.

This summer I spent some time working with digital photography and manipulating the light of images.

Life Drawing

Starting Life Drawing 1 Fall 2009!